AI in the Newsroom

Sign up here to receive AI in the Newsroom—a new series of case studies on specific ways news organizations are building and using AI tools, researched and written by Nikita Roy, Host of the Newsroom Robots podcast.

More opportunities

The AI in Journalism Initiative from the Online News Association (ONA) delivers essential resources for journalists and newsroom leaders to understand the emerging tech trends their team should focus on now. We offer regular training and networking events, from beginner-level sessions for journalism practitioners looking to start experimenting to more specialized and collaborative opportunities for people already immersed in implementing AI tools. Funding for the initiative is generously provided by Microsoft, the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation and The Joyce Foundation. 

For questions or feedback about this email series, contact Karolle Rabarison, Director of Communications, at To share a programming idea or ask about upcoming events, connect with Meghan Murphy, Director of Programs, at To learn about ways to support this initiative, reach out to Hanaa Rifaey, Head of Strategic Partnerships, at

For regular updates about year-round opportunities at ONA, check out the ONA Weekly newsletter.

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